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WLRD WIDE: The Official 2022 Kick-Off

WLRD WIDE: The Official 2022 Kick-Off

2022 Is Officially Here. From Dozen Days Vivid and More, Check Out These Announcements As Part of Our WRLD WIDE Day.

From MRVL WRLD to Vivid Life Tours and apparel, I’ve been working very quietly, mainly to assure that I don’t spoil any of the news that needed to be released this week. As my 32nd birthday approaches, I’ve been working diligently on some moves that needed attention of their own. In the past, I used to call the 30 days before my birthday the “Dirty Thirty Days”, but since have moved away from that title (“dirty” doesn’t resonate at all - though it was mainly used because of a large amount of fasting). This year, aligning my own personal growth with that of MRVL WRLD, we have moved to recognizing both across the entirety of the month of January with a special line up called A Dozen Days Vivid.

The campaign focuses on fellowship, growth, outreach, and creativity, bringing friends, family, and supporters together across 12 days of the month to celebrate the new year, my birthday, and the end of our own fiscal year. January offers a great time for renewal, refocus, and we’re taking advantage of that in as many ways as possible. Dually, the list of calendar events also serves as a highlighted 12 days in our Vivid Life Tour.

Change is officially here, and the rebranding of VividLife Apparel is just one of the many you can expect to see as we transition into our second year.

WRLD WIDE will now stand as our annual kick-off for the new year, offering close up looks at what we’re bringing to life into this new year.

‘MY REAL VIVID LIFE’: A Short Stories Film

On a late Tuesday night in November of 2020, I finally discovered the solution to a long-standing issue I had always had as a creative. People knew Mistah Marvel the host, they knew Alex Auguste the author, they knew I was a writer, but as the world slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I discovered a new avenue for my own creativity. Giving myself a year to get all the chips and pieces together, I set out to live My Real Vivid Life or Writing, Recording, Live Events, and Development - thus birthing MRVL WRLD. The journey - calm on some days and wild on others - would line up perfectly across public and private story posts on my Instagram. My Real Vivid Life includes revisiting of stories, with voice over narration, in a way that tells the story of my goal for the first year of the business: legitimacy. Tapping into personal, professional, and creative scenarios, the docu-series ultimately is a deep-dive of sharing personal philosophy, recounting of life, and sharing the journey through really good storytelling.

My Real Vivid Life is a broken into a number of different series, and has had its first premiere for “THE PREFACE: Is The End (Parts I & II) on January 18th and 20th 2022 right here on the MRVL WRLD website.

THIS IS MRVL WRLD! A Creative Agency

MRVL WRLD is a creative agency enabling individuals and businesses to establish their own narratives across the digital landscape through writing, recording, live events, and developments. Our first focus, among many, is to empower and enable individuals and businesses to develop their own skills and atmospheres, where they can create unapologetically.

Throughout the course of the last two years, we’ve understand the challenges and pitfalls of “getting started”, and fitting into an ever-changing digital media landscape. While the platforms can be intimidating, we understand that through brand development and continued, focused coaching that while the platforms may change, storytelling has been the single-handed most powerful form of messaging across humanity. From personal journaling, to web copy; from marketing campaigns to product descriptions, MRVL WRLD is developing a long list of tools and resources to equip you for a year of creative development, launches, and more.

You can expect to see information starting to come from our social media pages about our 2022 Service Packages, starting first with Business Writing services for small businesses. For early access on details and inquiries, be sure to fill out the form below with your personal and/or business information.

MRVL WRLD Website Changes To Expect

Whew! It’s getting pretty crowded here on the MRVL WRLD website. With that said, beginning January 10th, 2022, we will begin transitioning some pages away from this site so that information only relevant to MRVL WRLD and VividLife Apparel remain present. This means many of the blogs (such as “Love, Life, & Genius” Blog Series), book synopses, book announcements, and galleries will be moving away. MRVL WRLD will exclusively house information as it pertains to the business services, contact and communications, and announcements that are therein relevant.

While there’s no immediate date for this transition, you can expect to see very large changes coming to both the site, our mailing list, and more.

The Name’s Alex Auguste! It’s My Pleasure!

For over 11 years, “Mistah Marvel” has been a moniker that has carried me through all my creative endeavors. From music to radio, the pseudonym helped me open doors of opportunity that I have been blessed to walk through. The journey that started with Mistah Marvel has, for some time, been slowly coming to an end. For my 32nd birthday, I’m dropping the name “Mistah Marvel” - forever - and will exclusively and solely go by Alex Auguste. An entertainment/media personality and storyteller, you can expect to see the changes across the web, specifically starting with the storytelling you’ll see in My Real Vivid Life.

There will be more on this topic to come in an individual blog post.

Black Grasshopper: The Tale of Where It All Started

So much of the rich storytelling of My Real Vivid will discuss topics that precede 2020. One of them will include a title some might have heard before if they’ve been following me for long enough. Black Grasshopper, originally written in 2016, is likely going to be my first book that falls into the Young Adults and Teens reading lists.

The story follows a young nymph grasshopper (at this stage in their development, they’re black), who finds himself unable to molt during the garden’s annual grasshopper fledgling event. Going on the third year of said event, the Grasshopper sets out to find the source of Spring winds that the other grasshoppers flap their wings on. The story has a theme about celebrating others, blocking one’s blessings, and envy as a torturous form of self-destruction.

Black Grasshopper is expected to be the first release of 2022 for Alex Auguste, and will have a release date in paperback form on March 22, 2022.

Vivid Life Apparel to Relaunch Dope Past February with 2022 Champion Collection

Now that we’re all getting accustomed to the new name, VividLife Apparel, it’s time to get things rolling. Throughout the Dozen Days Vivid, you can expect to see our original pieces being re-released. On January 31st, we’ll be at full launch with all-new designs for the 2022 Dope Past February Campaign, which will are expected to be printed as a Champion Collection, much like “Mentally, I’m Here”. For details on VividLife Apparel, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

Read: Announcement: TagsByMarvel is Officially  VividLife Apparel

My Beautiful Dope Contemporaries Series Coming Soon

Coupling Dope Past February merch with storytelling, “My Beautiful Dope Contemporaries” is a mini-series coming to MRVL WRLD that focuses on the future of Black History through the lenses, perspectives, and hopes Black Millennials representing their own respective fields.

The project is in its early development stages, but expected to make great gains over the course of the month. Release is expected to happen within the first quarter.

Building A Better WRLD: We All Deserve A Vivid Life Partnership with Salvation Army

Lastly, MRVL WRLD is looking to make a huge impact in our local community with all the dopeness that is our creativity, our storytelling, and our apparel. However, one of our first missions in this New Year is to do our own work on the ground level. I am partnering with the Salvation Army for a campaign called “WE ALL DESERVE A VIVID LIFE”, raising funds to empower the Salvation Army’s efforts to not only empower our less fortunate neighbors, but also clothe them, feed them, and reintegrate them into the working world where they can build and create opportunities for themselves.

Our goal is $500 and we will be taking donations of January 5th through January 31st. We are encouraging individuals and groups to join us in this effort. In addition, we are also doing a buy-pack program for old TagsByMarvel merchandise that is lightly used, faded, or no longer wanted. As we prepare for the upcoming launch of VividLife Apparel, any donors of clothing for the buy-back program will receive a discount for up to 50% off upcoming gear.

Donations can be made directly at our Salvation Army Donation Page, or directly through MRVL WRLD and we will donate on your (or your organization’s behalf).