Vivid Life: For Charree' Graham, Doing The Work Is Staying LIT

A Journey of Healing and Growth with Charree' Graham on VividLife TV
Just like so many of us, a new year and a long list of problems needing resolutions was exactly what owner of Living in Truth Counseling, Charree' Graham, was handed as 2020 began to unroll - or unravel. For the 30-something year old Tampa native and Florida State University alum, walking away from graduation with her Masters Degree was supposed to present her with a straight line to walk towards a better job, a bigger bag, and more security. But again, like so many of us the discomforts of the huge shifts in our world also presented her with clarity of her journey to purpose.
Charree, who is a good friend of mine and a long-time supporter, told me in our green room session about what life was prior to the March 10th Lockdowns.
The moment you start doing new things and exploring more of yourself, the more you feel whole and fulfilled. - Charree' Graham

When asked, "How do you maintain a sense of adventure?" Charree' responded: "Travel. Travel. Travel." Courtesy of Instagram.
"I was riding a high of excitement," She was talking about her trip to Egypt, taking excursions on the Nile River, and planning out the rest of her year to be filled with meaningful work, travel, and fun.
"After what seemed like five years of nonstop stress, depression and anxiety only to turn around and enter into a field that was about to take a literal beating across every way imaginable. All of this as a new Social Worker, Therapist, Clinician, Advocate and Mental Health Professional."
The last four years have reshaped how individuals look at mental health. We've all been more keen and attentive to how events, occurrences, and the world around us impact our mental.
And just in case you're doing the math: don't forget to carry the one because, yes, 2020 was officially four years ago.

While there were heroes that were propped up into the media spotlight and a long list of essential workers, those in the field of Social Work, like Charree' Graham (and like my mother) weren't exactly given star treatment, both for the brunt of their work nor their own well being.
"During that time, I worked across probably the entire continuum of care—residential, outpatient, community mental health, hospitals, chronic health, corrections—I legit worked everywhere and just about every population a Social Worker could. All of this while I was battling my own mental health woes and relationship ruptures in my friendships, family and romantic life."
Ya girl was going through it! - Charree' Graham
But like a good quote I recently read states: "A new day always starts at midnight, in the dark." The light's always on its way.
Months later, she went on to establish her business, Living In Truth Counseling. You'll hear it referred to throughout the episode and across her brand as its acronym LIT.
"The entire world was experiencing crisis, pain, heartbreak, and hur, but so was I. If I was going to dedicate myself to Social Work and mental health, I had to get real with myself first."
And that's LIT.
Sharing Stories and Insights: Highlights from the Stream
Throughout the stream, Charree' and I shared stories and insights, but as usual, dug into some topics that were a bit off road, including a situation we had experience in Miami during this past Art Basel Weekend. I attended three events with her during that weekend. At one of them, I got her attention and told her that I was having deja vu. It w a day later a Tiktok we shared with each other revealed that specific type of deja vu, an experience you're having that has not happened yet, is actually called Deja Reve'.
There was an interesting conversation surrounding Deja Reve, sharing our experiences of dreams, and recapping our experiences of 2020. While deja reve hasn't happened yet, I think of it almost as a subconscious checkpoint. Maybe we can look at those experiences as our brain checking off that we envisioned a moment in time, a place, or even a feeling, and our reality has officially caught up to that vision.
Life manifested?
And in order to best manifest the life we all want, according to Charree' it requires us to be real with ourselves, to be willing to try something new to get what we want out of life.
AA: In your experience, how can we all explore the idea of creating a more fulfilled life, and what role does a willingness to try new things play in that process?
CG: A large part of the reason I’ve been able to create what I have done so far with LIT is due to taking risks. I left my full-time job to finish school. Like, I intentionally left full benefits and the Florida Retirement System to build my resume as a Clinician.
Charree' talked about a bit about her upbringing, and with her being a Millennial, born to her parents' generation, she wasn't always a big risk taker. Yet, the risks continued coming with rewards that made her feel more alive.
CG: I was about to do something completely out of the norm and very new. Of course, I did it with some preparation but still it was me having a willingness to do something that was, to be frank, crazy. Even though I was making probably just above what I made in college working at Chuck E. Cheese, it was the first time in 8-9 years I felt more like myself.
Here's a clip of a portion of my interview with Charree' on VividLife TV, January 3rd, 2024.
CG: I ended up taking on a few part-time jobs that allowed me to connect with people from very different walks of life and I loved it. I got to show up to work as MYSELF. On one job, I got to wear comfy scrubs and the other I got to wear cool statement tees and adidas track suits that ultimately helped me to connect with my clients. And yes, one of those statement tees included your infamous ‘If you Think I’m Dope You Should Tell Me’ tees.
This was not a paid actor, by the way. And those T-shirts are returning to Vivid Life Apparel.
CG: Coming from working directly alongside law enforcement especially in the climate it was at the time and really still is, was refreshing. As I was learning the intricacies within the field, I was beginning to find more of myself. The moment you start doing new things and exploring more of yourself, the more you feel whole and fulfilled.

LIT is more than just about Charree', of course. Her story of why she created the business only speaks to her own journey. In her profession, that's a tricky, but necessary skill, according to her. It's human. It builds a bridge that closes the gap between a mental health professional and a patient, or client, who needs to see that person as more than just an authority figure. While the circumstances may differ from client to client, it's mostly consistent in that regard.
AA: How did it come to you that this was what you wanted to do and needed to do next? How do you keep that purpose and that feeling evolving over time?
CG: I never wanted LIT to be about me, it was just born out of what I experienced during the time it was created but I never wanted it to be about me. For one, I don’t even like being the center of attention and anyone who knows me well knows this. It started with me, but I don’t believe that is where it will end.

2024 is expected to be an important year for LIT, more important even than 2023. With journals, merch, and adult coloring books and much more coming available in the near future, LIT continues to pursue its purpose of being a platform to bring individuals closer to being the person they want to be, to being and finding fulfillment, and establishing a network and tribe of others who share in that pursuit of self.
When asked what exactly is to come, she said:
"LIT Concepts, community events, mentoring, and teaching the next generation of Social Workers. Just to name a few."
LIT Concepts' products are available now on Amazon.
Watch the Recap and Get Inspired!
Whether you were there for the live stream or catching up now, the blog is your gateway to relive the moments and insights from this special episode. We've embedded clips, snippets, and even the full written interview, ensuring you get a wholesome dose of inspiration and empowerment.
Thank you, Charree' Graham, for gracing VividLife TV with your presence and contributing to a night filled with authenticity, growth, and the pursuit of a truly vivid life. Here's to more inspiring guests, enlightening conversations, and the vibrant community we're building together.
Stay Vivid. Be Lit.
Follow Living In Truth On Instagram for more inspiration, insights, and information.
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