[Video] Have We All Been Microwaving Cup Noodles?

While Cup Noodles Has Helped Many Millennials Feign Off Hunger, We've All Learned Terrible News About How We've Been Preparing the World's Most Reliable Struggle Meal

We need all the latch key Millennials to come to the front of congregation. We need to talk about Cup Noodles. In a recent interview with NPR's All Things Considered, Juana Summers sat with Jon Kung, author of Kung Food: Chinese American Recipes from a Third-Culture Kitchen and shocking new information was shared.

Apparently, up until last week - when we were all last week year's old - the famous Cup Noodles instant ramen was not approved for use in microwaves. Though hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people have probably ignored the directions, added a lil' water, and tossed it in the microwave for a few seconds to minutes, the internet collectively learned that so many of us have been doing it all wrong.

"Nissin's popular Cup Noodles ramen has been available here in the U.S. for around 50 years," Summers said on the November 3rd interview.

"And until very recently, I didn't realize I have apparently been cooking them all wrong. The company announced this week, to my surprise and a lot of other peoples' surprise, that a new design will make the cup microwavable for the first time - oops."

Twitter/X lowkey was swept a storm of shock, too.


Wait one merry minute now...

♬ The Girl from Ipanema by Gilberto and Getz - Mr. Mild Social Anxiety

While most people are expressing their shock that they've been doing all wrong, others are in shock that so many people (for so many generations now) have ignored the clear instructions and labelling that says not to microwave the cup.

Here we go again learning things the hard way and ignoring our grandparents' warnings, right? Well, I've only knocked back maybe 9 of these in all my days, so hopefully the it's worn off and I can still get compensation from that commercial that's going to play in 2048 at 2pm.

What about you? Does the news about the new Cup Noodles Instant Ramen come as a shock to you, too? Comment below or engage with me on TikTok for my latest.