

Since 2018, Alex Auguste has released a number of titles across two major works series in print format. With theme surrounding self-discovery, rising to the occasion, world affairs, and technology, his works are committed to creating new narratives and vivid characters who represent the Everyday Man, Woman, and Child that resonates so closely with his audiences.

All titles can be found on Alex Auguste's Amazon Author Page.


It All Starts in 2020

2nd Edition Paperback Cover of We Missed A Meeting: They Chose You, Mr. Ferguson (2019)

We Missed A Meeting: They Chose You, Mr. Ferguson is the entry point to the novel series that tells the perspective of Richard Ferguson on the morning of June 8, 2020. Blending themes of race relations, technology, and hysteria, We Missed A Meeting is afrofuturism presented in the form of Black dystopia that predicted trouble for the year 2020 long before we had been impacted by the 2019 Coronavirus outbreak. Rather than an outbreak, the Diaspora across the globe awakens to discover that they are somehow alone on the planet, in an event that comes to be known as "The Absence". This blend eerie prediction and other references to advancements, challenges, and conflicts in our world immediately catches the attention of readers for a wild ride that is set to continue its course with the release of the much-anticipated sequel, We Missed A Meeting: Some Assembly Required.

In addition to these two primary titles, the series enacts "secret chapters", which introduce us to smaller characters as conflicts around the fictional city of The D. These titles include:

*- denotes titles that are included in the 2nd edition paperback of They Chose You, Mr. Ferguson.

Alex Auguste says that he began writing We Missed A Meeting in 2017, with the title originally "They All Left", as a short story with a scene specifically detailing a character's discovery of the situation at work. That scene's revision would become turning point in the then-developed novel, and the original name is highlighted in the story's news station call tag, WTAL.


This book was amazing , it did not take very long for the action to start, felt like I was watching a movie. The descriptive writing was so vivid , relatable and believe it or not realistic in a sense. I was engaged from the beginning to end and was left wanting more. - Wallyne
Auguste manages to find a way to slap our realities in such a descriptive and real way. When you read this book you find yourself falling into it, something like Alice in Wonderland. You are one of the employees in the offices, you were Mr. Ferguson at one point.
Amazing book and I'm ready for Act II!!! - Danielle Moses
I really enjoyed this read -- I was on the edge of my seat the entire book. At every turn there was constant action going on. I found myself taking the context of the book and applying it to the world I know now. Wondering 'what if' something like this occurred in real time? 'What if' I'm ever put in a position to lead, am I ready. Even though the ending left me hanging with unanswered questions, I oddly enough felt like I'd taken away so much from just the context that the ending wasn't the main objective.

I'm excited for Act II -- I need to KNOW Ferguson's future! And is Alexander -- who is this person? What is this thing?
Initially, Mr. Ferguson missed a meeting -- I think we're getting closer to getting to a meeting soon. - Alisha Pass


Having faced multiple delays due to personal conflicts, the future of We Missed A Meeting continues on with the much-anticipated sequel, Some Assembly Required. As mentioned in previous blogs, too, the sequel will also be accompanied by an additional secret chapter, #4 titled Redemption.

Synopsis We Missed A Meeting: Some Assembly Required opens right from the final major scene of the prequel and opens up narration to be given from the perspectives of multiple characters, including Iliana Jameson, Will Johnson-Hughes, his aunt Teresa Johnson-Hughes, and a new character we're introduced to, Venecia Constant. Through their multiple views, we piece together what conflicts are growing, what alliances are forming, and what foundations are breaking both locally in the town as well as globally. But most importantly, we're given more of a vantage point into who Alexander is and what's truly at stake in the days and weeks following The Black Party.

Some Assembly Required is a grittier outlook at the world we know. Opening up just 5 months after its prequel, the story launches us forward to November 7th and 8th, 2020 with callbacks and flashbacks to previous years, giving us more understanding into each of the characters we meet along the way. The story takes a step deeper into dystopia to answer the question: "How bad can it really get"?

At present, We Missed A Meeting: Some Assembly Required has not formally been announced as having a release date, but be sure to subscribe as a member for details on releases and more. 

ORIGINS24 (2021)

In This Universe, Everything Is Connected

The 2020 Origins24 Release Poster

2021 saw the first entries into the Origins24 Anthology Series, with the release of the three-part introduction to the John Draco Stories with A Boy Bathed In Blood. The anthology series works across a wide array of times, spaces, places, and people, and follows the universal law that matter is neither created nor destroyed, but only transferred. With this the story introduces The Overseer and Precious Time who accompany one another on the Time Path and look on as history unfolds as the giant goddess continues paving linear history. Their observations across time then prove the theory correct as they see the fallen blood and stardust of early galactic beings spread and passed down continually across the Time Path, where they tended to their wounds during the first Universal Wars.

Of those many would come Sterling John Grace (later John Draco), a teenage slave who lives on the Grace Estate sometime around 1858, who discovers he comes from the long line of men and women who are divinely connected to and can transport themselves and others to the Time Path - these are the Travelers. When Sterling John's grandfather reveals to him what his promising future as one of the most successful doctors and researchers in the world looks like, the two bicker on whether his grandfather and mother make it to see his success and the two are apprehended by their White counterparts and the trouble of saving his family brings ruin not just to his life, but the balance of history as the Universe knows it.

Once again, Alex Auguste brings us the theme of self-discovery, finding one's place in the Universe, and rising to the occasion for others. Slated to span a total of 24 stories, every story in Origins24 uses the Universe, its laws, and vivid cosmic players like The Overseer, The Devourer, and even Orion as the most consistent backdrop as universal conflict brews. The John Draco Stories set the opening for the anthology series, introducing us not just to the character himself, but to many of the accounts and significant events that take place across and outside of history itself.

Each story within the canon of Origins24 is given an episodical number, and as of September 2021, we are only through 3 of those 24 total:

  • #1 The Overseer
  • #2 The Inheritance of the Grace Family
  • #3 A Boy Bathed In Blood


A Boy Bathed In Blood was the second of two titles published in 2021 by Alex Auguste, the first being Of Darker Nights released on June 1st. Initial introduction of A Boy Bathed In Blood involved a styled photoshoot posted to Instagram portraying Alex Auguste covered in fake blood. The shoot, inspired by the late DMX's It's Dark and Hell is Hot album cover from 1998, but was not immediately received well by audiences because the assumption that this second title would also be a connected folk horror just as Of Darker Nights is.

Darker Nights introduces a first-generation Haitian-American immigrant who travels back to his home country of Haiti on research with a renown university professor. Hesitant about their focus being on Haitian Voodoo, Richard's two worlds - his origins and roots and his growing American life - merge and conflict as Richard tries to disassociate himself with the stereotypes and darkness of his home country's traditions. The story was originally written in 2012 during Auguste's studies in the Creative Writing program at The University of South Florida.

A Boy Bathed In Blood, however, takes a completely different approach. The story itself brings us into a large universe of interconnected events, rules, laws, and entities that exist in the Universe. When we are introduced to Sterling John Grace's position in this all, we come to find that the story has a strong theme of abandonment, generational differences in the Black Community, and our present connection with the traumas and lives of our ancestors. While there is an overarching fantastical approach to the backdrop of the story, A Boy Bathed In Blood is, without a doubt, a very dark piece of The John Draco Stories that introduces us to how fast and how harsh youth and childhood is often taken away from young Black boys - both in the past, as slaves, and today, in a multitude of ways.

While initial promotion for the book was flagged by the Instagram platform on multiple occasions, reception of the story was taken in well, with the first month moving over 100 copies. A Boy Bathed In Blood remains Alex Auguste's most successful book release to date.


Upcoming entries to Origins24 will be updated at a later time.

Other Titles

Stand-Alone Titles & Releases

Of Darker Nights (2021)

Format: Kindle Format - Amazon

The first release of 2021, Of Darker Nights represents the first of a large pool of titles are having their moment in the forefront of Alex Auguste's release list. Originally written for a class while studying at the University of South Florida, the story sees its main character in Richard. He's a young graduate assistant at a university studying under the wings of a well-respected Professor of Cultural Anthropology. To Richard's surprise, the Doctor turns his focus on Haitian Voodoo, inviting and obliging Richard on the trip as both student and translator. Richard faces the conflict of wanting to embrace this trip to his homeland, but also not wanting to partake or exploit these traditions that are often both sacred and kept away from foreigners like the Doctor. Though Richard continues to repeat to himself that he doesn't believe in Voodoo, he learns the stark lesson that his culture doesn't ask about acceptance and belief.

Originally intended to be a sort of folk horror, Of Darker Nights has its place in today's cultural conversations as a piece that reminds us not to shame or destroy our own cultural identities in an attempt to disassociate with certain cultural practices.

Black Grasshopper (Coming Soon)

Format: TBA

It's quite possible that there would be no We Missed A Meeting, no Origins24, and no published titles by Alex Auguste without Black Grasshopper. The first of all titles written as noted in the MY REAL VIVID LIFE docu-series, the story was written as a self-reflection parable introducing a story of a nymph (a very young grasshopper), who had not molted his black exoskeleton in three springs, raising concern about his livelihood, his future, and his present state of mind. Every year, nymphs his age come together and catch the first gust of Spring wind, molting their skins, and taking flight on their new sets of wings. Growing frustrated with yet another season coming, Black Grasshopper decides to find the source of the Spring Gust to destroy it, assuring that no new nymphs can't take flights - just like him.

On his journey to the source, though, he realizes he must venture outside of the Garden, through dangerous and unknown territories where he is vulnerable, alone, and eventually crippled. Soon facing his own demise, Black Grasshopper releases the path he is on was never one that would be to his own or any other grasshopper's benefit at all.

Black Grasshopper will be suitable for readers of all ages, will specifically be intended for Young Adults and Teens. Expected release is March 2022.