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A Whole Lot More Alex Auguste: Welcome to Premium

A Whole Lot More Alex Auguste: Welcome to Premium

So, How Much More I AM ALEX AUGUSTE Do you get with a Paid Subscription? Here's The Break Down For Premium Content.

Well, we're officially here. Early this morning, a small group of account holders at I AM ALEX AUGUSTE were gifted either 1-month or 6-month subscriptions to the site's premium content and added benefits.

When new visitors click the "Subscribe" link in the bottom right-hand corner (the envelope), they'll be given these 3 tiers of paid members: Free, Plus,  Premiere. These two new paid tiers are intended to introduce premium content as mentioned in last week's quarterly newsletter. However, there is an additional tier that is not listed that has been offered to a small group to test.

Let's get beyond the surface facts, and get to some deeper details about these subscriptions and what you're getting as part of it all.

First: The Why?

First, the goal of creating a low-level premium tier is to pick out subscribers that are deeply embedded in MRVL WRLD content. This is a site that isn't based off an algorithm or any fancy tech to help personalize content for you. There is a challenge in running a website like this and assuring that your audience is receiving the content they love.

Think of paid subscription like preparing food in the kitchen. First, by being part of these tiers, you're raising your hand to signal exactly what you want, whether it's behind-the-scenes, op-ed blogs, galleries, or exclusives to the dope videos that haven't even (or won't) make it to the Instagram feeds. You raise your hand or ring the bell, and on this side of the content, we know what to cook, how to cook it, and whose table to bring it to.


Tiering content helps us all. The content reaches who wants it, and we get a chance to gain better insight into what works best to create.

Second: Never Too Much

As mentioned in the quarterly newsletter, we've been operating on outdated segments from way back when you all were purchasing Classic White If You Think I'm Dope You Should Tell Me T-Shirts from a guy named Mistah Marvel. Those days are so far gone, and we've been delivering a completely different pattern of content, obviously. One thing that will change, though, is that not everything needs to hit the inbox, and so in the grand scheme of things, we're refining a cadence on when to send and what to send. These tiers help.

But if we revisit segments, here is some insights into some high-important segments we're working with:

  • Power Fans: Those dope people who have engaged with everything - from purchasing merch, to buying books, showing up to events, and interacting with video and content across platforms. The folks who want and enjoy staying in the know.
  • Apparel Lovers: For our subscribers who were big fans of TagsByMarvel, who we want to keep in the know of the latest drops from Vivid Life Apparel, including release details, specials, and behind the threads.
  • Strictly Content: Maybe the books ain't it, or the merch, or any of that, but you love a good tutorial, a think piece, and curated commentary about different topics.
  • Close Friends: What up, though, bih! I gotta keep ya'll in the loop, you know the vibes!
  • All Things Events: When I say, "You Know the Vibes", I mean it. For those interested in events across the entire network, or have events of their own to share with MRVL WRLD, we cater content to you.

Of course, there may exist overlaps, but as this program grows, adjustments will be made and your feedback is always welcomed.

Third: Alright, A Gift? And then What?

Gifts have been given out on 1-month or 6-month bases. This is going to be tracked for your overall experience, from email volume, to pop-ups, reminders, the whole 10 yards. At the end of these trial periods, you'll be receiving a "grandfather-in" offer for the duration of your choice. Right now, that information will be begin rolling out around March 12th, 2023.

Alright, So What To Expect

The big focus for this year is to really generate Content that matters to our brand - Writing, Recording, Live Events, & Developments is the name of the game. There a lot of fun in it, but balancing that with Value to you as readers and subscribers is important. So, this means maybe being more informant than entertaining (we'll still talk a lil' sh*t, but you get the idea).

Across the network is a lot of good people, who are greater when we all work together. So, Community will be big. The Vivid Life Tour will do and show more of life in Tampa, Florida and work with other businesses to make experiences that matter.

And lastly, you may call it gusto, sauce, cream, or just being dope, but all things considered, we've laid out a good deal of work and want to keep that going using the Credibility on the topics and in the spaces that we know best.

The goal has always been growth, but the key is to manage our growth in a way that helps us develop properly as a brand. With so many moving parts across social, video, and ground-level efforts, it's a lot for us to manage - by the way, I keep using collective pronouns, but it's really just me (unless we're counting Mango, too, but she's not on any tax forms, so...).

I hope this post isn't too formal or informative, but if there's anything I learned from Moulin Rouge (2002), it's that when money's involved you better play the role and bring the razzle dazzle.

Keep being Vivid. Things are about to get really dope around here!