Next Up: The Insomniac [Teaser]

As '150 Days Running' Kicks Off, We're Preparing For Spooks, Jukes, & Looks In The Upcoming, "The Insomniac" Video.

"If He Can't Sleep, He Can't Dream"

My next video is going to be "The Insomniac" and it will be a horror-inspired, Michael Jackson "Thriller"-style video that will feature and include little bits of all the shit that scares us and makes us uncomfortable.

"The Insomniac" is a song about needing a break from the daily grind and constant productivity of hustle culture, and struggling to find whether a break is diving into vices or legitimately taking your ass to sleep. You might equate it to society, patriarchy, capitalism, or just general hustle culture, but as a man I can admit that often times growing up, all of my pains, struggles, and losses were attributed to the fact (or idea, rather) that I just wasn't hustling hard enough.

Anxiety, bruh? Wouldn't have that if you worked harder. Rich people don't have anxiety.

So, the idea of sleepless nights, "rise and grind", and the only relaxation and recreation coming from the attention of women is something that I bet is hardly talked about, hardly addressed, and almost always top of mind for the so-called "High Value Man".

Sleep is essential. Rest is necessary. Discipline is a requirement, not a reward.

And so "The Insomniac" will highlight the horrors we do to our mind, body, and soul when we refuse to give it rest.

If you're not familiar with sleep paralysis, get into it.

Scientifically known as "Muscle Atonia", people who experience - or have to endure - sleep paralysis will notice that their muscles may twitch, become immovable, relaxed, and they generally lose a sense of control over their body. What's actually happening is that the brain either believes itself to be in Rapid Eye Movement (REM), or chooses to turn this on as a way to force the body to sleep. However, since you're not actually unconscious, what ends up happening is that you lay there with your brain slowly activating REM processes while you're partially awake. The end result is a confusion that blends a small bit of reality with your dream, while leaving you motionless and unable to move.

Enter: The so-called "Sleep Paralysis Demon".

Read: Out With A Bang: The Vivid Life Tour Aims For 150 Days

It happen too many times.. 🥲 #sleepparalysis #fypシ

♬ Follow me - user59669140003

There's not a lot that can be discussed scientifically about sleep paralysis, but even before we depended on modern technology and science, sleep paralysis has had its different names and causes across nearly every culture.

The Boogie man.

The Old Hag.

The Hat Man.

Consistently, humans have reported experiencing something that has been the subject of a lot of lore and spooky shit.

You scared yet?

Well, "The Insomniac" isn't going to involve all of that, but the only two ways to find out are either to join the casting or wait until the video drops.

Over the last two years, I've been working on a few horror projects, mostly written, but am hoping that this project gives life to some of those ideas.

Are you in?

If interested, fill out this brief questionnaire below for preliminary consideration for "The Insomniac".