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Everything You Need To Know About 'The Perfectionist'

Everything You Need To Know About 'The Perfectionist'

From Deep Out of the Vault, "The Perfectionist" Begins Production in Tampa in April, Bring All Things Full Circle For MRVL WRLD.

Alex Auguste's The Perfectionist will be MRVL WRLD's first visual project for 2023, and will a music video written and produced by Alex Auguste, and is slated to bring on Darian Alexander onboard for camera and cinematography. We're anticipating production to begin in April, and after this week's production meetings with models for the shoots, the ideal start of production will likely begin in sections starting as early as April 5th, 2023.

The following details are everything you need to know (and some additional fun facts).


Being revived this year makes this an on-and-off project that started in 2009. Prior to coming to college, I, like a lot of young men with artistic aspirations was producing music and managing a Myspace Music page under a former alias. When the big move to college happened, the time spent producing shrunk down a lot and eventually came to a halt, but not before producing one of my last beats ever: GLAMOUR_GIRL.acd.

My writing wasn't very good then, but I always focused on keeping records of any and all things I'd ever created. Long story short, the beat would be used in 2013 during a short-lived window when I was releasing music via SoundCloud and DatPiff (those songs are still there, though, DatPiff appears to have reached the end of its life). When used for an EP called MyRealViciousLife, what came of it was a song called "The Perfectionist", with an added sample from 1996's Evita featuring Madonna and Antonio Banderas.

The story of Evita Peron (a true story) is one of a young girl who rose to political power and influence by any means, putting her at the top of South America's list of iconic feminist leaders. Following her death in 1945, her husband, Argentinian president Juan Peron had her body embalmed and preserved for the public to forever see her beauty. Her body was never buried, instead she was held for display and it wasn't until Juan Peron's exile to Spain that her body fell into this limbo of who had ownership of her. The state claimed rights, but ultimately Peron was devasted and somewhere in transit, Evita's body was poorly managed, dropped, and her nose broken.

The sample included in the song is from the final song of the movie's soundtrack titled, "Evita's Lament".

"Eyes, Hair, Face, Image, All Must Be Preserved.
Still life displayed forever
No less than she deserved"

The song represents the internal dialogue and struggle of what we've determined to be "The Dream Girl", or a woman who otherwise doesn't exist.

Featuring a grungey, Yeezus-like feel, the song was one of the better received songs from the 2015 era, despite never really getting any additional attention. The revisiting of this song (among others, like "The Grown Up", "MWP", and "The Pain of Art") comes by chance following personal life changes and the increase of content during and after the pandemic.

Production Planning

Production will begin shooting in April on designated sites as early as possible. Those interested in participating in the video shoot, or sponsoring the shoot should contact us directly no later than April 5th, 2023. Sponsorships can be either financial, products for use and placement within the video, or an offer for a studio space.

Casting is open and rolling, however, outreach is faster if we have you feedback as part of our casting survey.

The Future In Mind

The Perfectionist would have probably been introduced a while back in 2021 when I took part in the Tampa Link Up event. While there, I gathered some friends and models and created some semblance of a music video to Foster Sylver's "Misdemeanors", but that was not the original idea. The song would have been introduced to Instagram then, but a random and sporadic release of a bit of the song would have been too random, and I didn't see it hitting the mark for what I would have wanted.

That video, though, brought the finesse, attitude, and put into motion the idea of revisiting such an idea.

The song will be releasing this Summer, and be the kick-off for a series of these developments that bring full circle the vision of MRVL WRLD to bring to life writing, recorded multimedia, live events (and productions), and the developments of campaigns for generating awareness across social media. There's no vision currently to put out any compiled, complete project like an album or an EP, but there's an expected amount of original work that will be coming.

Watch: [Gallery] The Tampa Link Up: Way Too Cold

Whether it's been "The Misdemeanors" video, or the Topdown Tampa collaboration, the CarpeDiem360, or other video projects, there's been one consistent nuisance for us during edits and release and overall vision: full ownership.

Watch: [Gallery] TopDown: Tampa

And so with that, The Perfectionist will kick off our campaign and "living project", Nothing Dies On the Internet.