August Is Mine: News, Updates, and Community Launches

For 2024, I set out on aligning two very important missions of being more focused on the spectacle and redefining community. Wildly enough, 2024 has been one of my most engaged years for my brand across platforms. I've monetized my TikTok, my YouTube has reached over 100 subscribers, and Elon should be glad I haven't deleted Twitter. My Instagram has grown significantly and I'm engaging with over 4500 accounts per month. While I know the numbers because they're general front and center, I can actually say this is the year that I don't care about that.
The mission wasn't about that to begin with.
Rest assured, "spectacle" wasn't about getting more Instagram views or reaching more accounts. It was more about how we get things done. Bringing attention to the relevant, to the important, and staying focused on saying the right things and doing the right things. If it got more views, then cool. If not, then it's important to make the message as relevant as possible.
And Community was a huge part of this year's focus as well. In April, I joined the new Rolling Proud Run Club in Tampa, and have been consistently running at least 2.5 to 7 miles per week, but I was already on that. You all knew that already. Just as important as finding a community, the mission was even bigger than that: it was the realization of the need to build one.

Taking into account that community can means a variety of things to different people as well as the fact that people like to commune differently, I've layered out this new online community in the ways that makes sense for the road ahead.
If you ask me, I'd like to move away from this one-sided "Bruh Man From The Fif Floor"-style entering of your inbox and make it way more personal. How are you? It's been a while? I can't call it. You know, just tryin to be as dope as you are. Oh, you're in the area, let's grab coffee. You get the gist.
For those that commune that way, I've create MRVL WRLD WRLD WIDE, an actual online community focused on connection, dialogue, and deepening this connection to both myself and my why. WRLD Wide is currently hosted on Discord as a server, and offers a groupchat style interface where different channels offers different topics, threads, links, etc. Within the overall server exists different channels for things like "The Main Chat", News & Updates, Show My Works, Creator Central, Open Collaboration, and more.
The best of all feature is the voice channel feature that I'll be taking advantage to host Creator Chats, Town Halls, and the occasional Creator Workshops live in real-time. You will hear more about these as we the year continues on.
From communal, creative watercooler chats to in-depth behind the scenes content, the community extends to more niche topics, specifically my own craft and creative concoctions.
The I AM ALEX AUGUSTE Patreon page will replace the blog posts from my current website that go beyond just surface level announcements. From watching me create new video treatments, to in-depth conversations about what inspires my writing processes, Patreon offers live video streams, behind the scenes content, and a perspective you get to see that has never been shared before.
And it's not restrictive as or favorite social media platforms.
Community today is spectacle.
When algorithms constantly want us appealing to strangers, I challenge myself to tap in deeper with people I already know, or people closer to me. Six degrees and five hellos removed.

My name is Alex Auguste, and I'm a storyteller. My gift lets me using writing, music, live events, and a whole lot of experimentation to craft messages for the entertainment, empowerment, and enchantment of my community.
I host events to bring life and joy to the experience of attendees, so that every event becomes a memory, and every memory becomes a story retold about the good times, the unforgettable nights, and the surreal vibes.
With an eye for rich visuals, I bring all my talents together to create video work that speaks to an audience on behalf of creators like you and I.
I do all of this. And I do so laced in my own apparel, Vivid Life Apparel.
With today marking the beginning of August, we're in for 31 days of my sharing my creations and living in that walk of a Storyteller.
Below is a summary of changes coming to I AM ALEX AUGUSTE:
August 2024 Updates
- WRLD Wide: A Creative Community is now live on Discord and available for you to join using the invitation link: HERE
- I AM ALEX AUGUSTE Patreon is now available and taking subscribers for in-depth, behind-the-scenes content, walk-throughs, discussions, and more. Subscribe HERE
- I AM ALEX AUGUSTE Website ( will reduce output to major announcements and quarterly newsletters.
- VividLife TV will return for a second season beginning Monday, Aug. 5th, 2024 on YouTube
- Vivid Life Apparel's B-Collection will be announced during the month of August (Collection Name: TBA).
- A Full lineup of book releases will be announced, including the relaunch of Origins24 and We Missed A Meeting novel and anthology series, beginning in August with the release of a special edition We Missed A Meeting: They Chose You, Mr. Ferguson.
- A new public-facing calendar will be announced this month to promote relevant events for creators and supporters of Alex Auguste.
- A survey will be sent out requesting feedback from all subscribers and email recipients.
Member discussion